单科目(Single subjects) - 动画(Animation)
- 建筑技术(Architectural Technology)
- 体系结构(Architecture)
- 生物化学(Biochemistry)
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Sciences)
- 建筑工程(Building Engineering)
- 建筑测量(Building Surveying)
- 商业经济学(Business Economics)
- 商业信息系统(Business Information Systems)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务管理 (会计)(Business Management (Accounting))
- 工商管理 (经济学)(Business Management (Economics))
- 商务管理 (创业)(Business Management (Entrepreneurship))
- 商务管理 (财务)(Business Management (Finance))
- 商务管理 (人力资源管理)(Business Management (Human Resource Management))
- 商务管理 (法规)(Business Management (Legal Regulation))
- 商业管理 (营销)(Business Management (Marketing))
- 中文和英语语言(Chinese and English Language)
- 中国和英国文学(Chinese and English Literature)
- 中国和全球通信(Chinese and Global Communication)
- 汉语和语言学(Chinese and Linguistics)
- 中药(Chinese Medicine)
- 认知和临床心理学(Cognitive and Clinical Psychology)
- 商业音乐(Commercial Music)
- 商业音乐表演(Commercial Music Performance)
- 电脑游戏开发(Computer Games Development)
- 计算机网络安全(Computer Network Security)
- 计算机网络安全基础(Computer Network Security with Foundation)
- 计算机网络和通信(Computer Networks and Communications)
- 计算机网络和通信的基础(Computer Networks and Communications with Foundation)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机系统和机器人(Computer Systems and Robotics)
- 计算机系统和机器人技术基础(Computer Systems and Robotics with Foundation)
- 计算机系统工程(Computer Systems Engineering)
- 计算机系统与基础工程(Computer Systems Engineering with Foundation)
- 施工管理(Construction Management)
- 当代媒体实践(Contemporary Media Practice)
- 创意写作和英语语言(Creative Writing and English Language)
- 创意写作和英语文学(Creative Writing and English Literature)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 设计城市(Designing Cities)
- 数字媒体和通信(Digital Media and Communications)
- 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)
- 电子工程与基础(Electronic Engineering with Foundation)
- 英语和法语(English Language and French)
- 英语语言与语言学(English Language and Linguistics)
- 英语和西班牙语(English Language and Spanish)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英语文学和法语(English Literature and French)
- 英语文学与历史(English Literature and History)
- 英语文学和语言(English Literature and Language)
- 英语文学和西班牙文(English Literature and Spanish)
- 创业(Entrepreneurship)
- 欧洲法律研究 (4 年)(European Legal Studies (4 years))
- 时尚购买管理(Fashion Buying Management)
- 服装设计(Fashion Design)
- 时尚设计 (三明治)(Fashion Design (Sandwich))
- 时尚市场营销和推广(Fashion Marketing and Promotion)
- 时尚商品管理(Fashion Merchandise Management)
- 电影(Film)
- 财务(Finance)
- 美术混合媒体(Fine Art Mixed Media)
- 法国和全球通信(French and Global Communication)
- 法语和语言学(French and Linguistics)
- 法文和西班牙文(French and Spanish)
- 图形通信设计(Graphic Communication Design)
- 中药(Herbal Medicine)
- 中药与基础年(Herbal Medicine with Foundation Year)
- 历史(History)
- 历史和政治(History and Politics)
- 人类与医学科学(Human and Medical Science)
- 人类营养(Human Nutrition)
- 人类营养 (营养与运动科学)(Human Nutrition (Nutrition & Exercise Science))
- 人类营养 (营养与运动科学) 与基础(Human Nutrition (Nutrition and Exercise Science) with Foundation)
- 人类营养与基础(Human Nutrition with Foundation)
- 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)
- 插图和视觉传达(Illustration and Visual Communication)
- 影像艺术与科学(Imaging Arts and Science)
- 室内建筑(Interior Architecture)
- 国际商务(International Business)
- 国际商务 (阿拉伯语)(International Business (Arabic))
- 国际商务 (法文)(International Business (French))
- 国际商务 (汉语)(International Business (Mandarin Chinese))
- 国际商务 (西班牙语)(International Business (Spanish))
- 国际市场营销(International Marketing)
- 国际关系(International Relations)
- 国际关系和阿拉伯语(International Relations and Arabic)
- 国际关系与中国(International Relations and Chinese)
- 国际关系与发展(International Relations and Development)
- 国际关系和法语(International Relations and French)
- 国际关系和西班牙文(International Relations and Spanish)
- 新闻(Journalism)
- 法律(Law)
- 法与法国法(Law with French Law)
- 语言学和西班牙文(Linguistics and Spanish)
- 营销传播(Marketing Communications)
- 市场营销管理(Marketing Management)
- 医疗新闻(Medical Journalism)
- MLaw (法律综合硕士)(MLaw (Integrated Masters in Law))
- 多媒体计算(Multimedia Computing)
- 药理学与生理学(Pharmacology & Physiology)
- 摄影(Photography)
- 政治(Politics)
- 政治与国际关系(Politics and International Relations)
- 财产和规划(Property and Planning)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 公共关系和广告(Public Relations and Advertising)
- 工料测量和商业管理(Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management)
- 无线电与数码制作(Radio and Digital Production)
- 房地产(Real Estate)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学和犯罪学(Sociology and Criminology)
- 软件工程(Software Engineering)
- 西班牙和全球通信(Spanish and Global Communication)
- 影视制作(Television Production)
- 旅游和事件管理(Tourism and Events Management)
- 旅游管理 (高级)(Tourism Management (Top-up))
- 旅游规划与管理(Tourism Planning and Management)
- 旅游与商务(Tourism with Business)
- 翻译 (法语)(Translation (French))
- 翻译 (西班牙语)(Translation (Spanish))