录取率: 84.8%
是否需要SAT成绩:Not Required
文理学院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
人为因素及系统学系(Human Factors and Systems Department)
人文∕社会科学学系(Humanities/Social Sciences Department)
数学系(Department of Mathematics)
物理科学学系(Physical Sciences Department)
陆军预备役军官训练营(Army ROTC)
空军预备役军官训练营(Air Force ROTC)
海军预备役军官训练营(Naval ROTC)
航空学院 (College of Aviation)
航空科学学系(Aeronautical Science Department)
应用航空科学学系(Applied Aviation Sciences Department)
航空维修科学学系(Aviation Maintenance Science Department)
飞行学系(Flight Department)
商学院 (College of Business)
经济、财务及风险管理学系(Department of Economics, Finance, and Risk Management)
市场、策略、行销及管理学系(Department of Management, Marketing, Strategy, and Operations)
工程学院 (College of Engineering)
航空/航天工程学系(Aerospace Engineering Department)
电子,计算机,软件及系统工程学系(Electrical,Computer,Software and System Engineering Department)
工程基础学系(Engineering Fundemental Department)
机械工程学系(Mechanical,Engineering Department)
土木工程学系(Civil Engineering Department)
文理学院 (College of Arts and Sciences)
全球研究学系(Department of Global Studies)
人文及传播学系(Department of Humanities and Communications)
数学及计算机科学学系(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
物理学系(Department of Physics)
陆军预备役军官训练营(Army ROTC)
空军预备役军官训练营(Air Force ROTC)
航空学院 (College of Aviation)
航空科学学系(Aviation Sciences Department)
气象学系(Meteorology Department)
安全科学学系(Safety Science Department)
飞行学系(Flight Department)
工程学院 (College of Engineering)
航空/航天及机械工程学系(Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department)
电机∕电脑工程学系(Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering Department)